torsdag 28 april 2011
måndag 25 april 2011
fredag 22 april 2011
Robot Mås
Ser ju riktigt bra ut, kanske kan byta ut alla riktiga måsar mot robotar så slipper vi få bajs på båtarna!
torsdag 21 april 2011
tisdag 19 april 2011
Hells yeah!
När vi nu börjar komma upp i åldrarna så måste vi hitta sporter som passar vår fysik samt övriga intressen...
fredag 15 april 2011
Arch Age
Ett nytt lovande MMORPG, ska vara helt öppet och fritt. Gör lite vad du vill! Gillar speciellt systemet med att bygga skepp och fightas med dem, det tycker jag ser kul ut iallafall! Ta en titt!
onsdag 13 april 2011
lördag 9 april 2011
C 64 är tillbaka!

måndag 4 april 2011
Det som Ola tjatade om i högstadiet verkar äntligen ha hänt:
fredag 1 april 2011
Diablo III april fools
1. Blizzard Entertainment shall not be held responsible for any damages resulting from improper use of the Horadric Cube application ("the app") including, but not limited to, headaches, sleeplessness, rashes, hauntings, curses, dismemberment, disembowelment, evisceration, conflagration, immolation, insanity, demonic possession, or athlete's foot, nor shall Blizzard Entertainment be held responsible for any loss of souls or property damage caused by monsters, the undead, demons, or any other type of Lesser or Prime Evil. Contact Blizzard Entertainment support in case of unholy auras, ghostly visitations, or other paranormal phenomena.
2. LEMARCHAND CONFIGURATION: In case the app was placed within itself, step through the resulting portal with your phone, proceed to the Hellforge, and use the Hellforge Hammer to destroy your phone (Hellforge Hammer sold separately).
1. Blizzard Entertainment shall not be held responsible for any damages resulting from improper use of the Horadric Cube application ("the app") including, but not limited to, headaches, sleeplessness, rashes, hauntings, curses, dismemberment, disembowelment, evisceration, conflagration, immolation, insanity, demonic possession, or athlete's foot, nor shall Blizzard Entertainment be held responsible for any loss of souls or property damage caused by monsters, the undead, demons, or any other type of Lesser or Prime Evil. Contact Blizzard Entertainment support in case of unholy auras, ghostly visitations, or other paranormal phenomena.
2. LEMARCHAND CONFIGURATION: In case the app was placed within itself, step through the resulting portal with your phone, proceed to the Hellforge, and use the Hellforge Hammer to destroy your phone (Hellforge Hammer sold separately).
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